TO NOW < :
two new great findings in 'found
duudles' :
wienermobile ;
the animations at this
little nice site are brilliant - so simple and great... :
streamed Radiohead, Morcheeba, Beth Orton, Jimi Tenor and so amazingly
much more at Montreux
Jazz Festival. · you
have to be Danish to get this - but design
fm is a great little netbased radio about design - listen
to nice streamed interviews - also the guys who did it are very nice. :
how rich are you? I
really like drawing at napkins ·
cummfy banana :
new duudle by jon - have
a looksee :
as if it wasn't enough that Im screaming colorblind, olaf had to send
me this
link - it gave me an instant, I don't dare
looking at it again.. les
cites obscures · barney's
toiletseats... ·
oh, thank god it's xmas soon -
these guys are definately on my wishlist...I mean on sonia's... :
scrollbars - piles of them... :
random surf ·
new item in found
duudles - very intriguing... and who is Lotte Frolde... these
guys truly are something...takekaze looks mean and focused... a goldmine
it is this
site :
eric's rockabillie photos from sweden are not to be missed - they really
are something - the people AND the photos... sonia's getting baptised in a few hours - morning, she's sleeping, jules is showering and Im drinking nice warm coffee - 28 sept
and piles of extraordinary good stuff at banksy :
many many weird things going on in
here... quite fascinating... ;
remember this cartoonist? :
artcrimes... ·
laura myntti ·
mildred's house of signage :
combas is wild wild wild · I just can't wait to go see this one - Les Triplettes de Belleville by sylvain chomet · [17 sep] ·
giant gals ·
engrish - japanese have all the fun :
ahh, mikroworld
opened up its gates collectors
- amazing
people [14.09] no link - just duudles to click ··> Johnny
Cash is dead - 71 years old... ............................................. this is a day of extreme sorrow. Our sisterland, Sweden who was hit by a violent and horrible crime yesterday lost their foreignsecretary, Anna Lindh. She died from her wounds this morning. She was attacked yesterday while shopping without bodyguards... september 11 sigh sigh
sigh : jochen's got very nice things stuffed in his site - spend some time there [11 sept] :
pictoplasma [10 sept] ·
I couldn't stop staring at this : Im stuffed, filled, oversatisfied - this site and artist Hayashi Daisuke has too much good stuff. I mean - check out his claystuff - fabulously interesting... the ucm museum of Louisiana has got some pretty weird and eccentric stuff going on - check for instance their pulpexhibit [weekend 6-7 sept] : spillway : is a site I frequently visit. This is the place for those lost photos, gizmos and gadgets left alone in the much fascinating stuff there - stick around there for a while [sept 4] · taken on the road · Matt Frondorf snapped away with his camera every mile.. .impressive..[sept 3] forgotten ny is a fantastic resource if you're into new york with all it's cemetaries, streetlamps, signs, old buildings and so much more - this site celebrates it all - quite impressive [sept 2] ------------------------------------ typographic signage project - yummie stuff for the type-interested and somewhat nerdy [sept. 1st] ------------------------------------
'I know the let down of Walker being over will be very emotionally hard on me...'
sikko sent me this nice and olifanty-link
- [27 aug] :
I like these
hybrids [27] : oh mama, why didn't I see this before? thanx for linky, rytz [aug 24] is one very impressive site - dig in, and then bring out the old albums quickly afterwards [aug 20] -------------------
are you kidding?!!! NOW we're gonna have some serious fun!!! [august 18th] -------------------- ·
sonia's new sound - go ahh, the old much loved sport at freakmachine -
- just concerts - a goldmiine ++ [14.08] ------------ where
to begin - julie and I got married and it was a miracle of a day... ...NOT
of july] --------------------------------- --------------------------------- : OLD COMPUTERS - [24th of july] TOO HOT, CANNOT THINK; MUST DRINK· SHADE:::NOW:::THE PAIN...IS THAT THE WORLD OR ME THAT*S MOVING STRANGELY...GO AHEAD... WITHOUT ME· LEAVE ME HERE...I...CANNOT · 50s allover again in US? - - America's what if-plan - [july 19] · Built a small site for a little group of artists - ERGO - it's in Danish though [july 17 and bleeding hot] · hmm, I turned 30 yesterday - should I make anything of it...dunno... [july 15] · linda the xtraoomfy squirts out some fresh juicy oooozes [12] · the kubrick site [july 9] · bruce campbell - a very b-ish b-actor - and I think he's great.. [july 8] · I'm one of those who thinks Sopranos is one hell of a tvseries [july 5] : moebius/giraud - drool at his pen..oh mama...[july 4] :
ELEPHONT [july 3rd] ·
the 118118 experience has had me laughing all morning...very...erm weird
- · this is the eitgth magazine [1st of july] :
My sister, Marie
is one of the talented and lucky people who gets to play around with
sand allover the place. Dammit, they know what they are doing at Sandsation
Festival berlin 2003 [30] :
P E R P L E X [27] · GANGSTARR's new album The Ownerz reminds you once again what the real scene is about. [24 june] ·
monodev [23] ·
popsicle [22] · this is quite clever and very geeky if you wanna identify a font [19 june] · server was down yesterday - dammit ·
THE INCREDIBLES [17] · always good for a laugh - steven is a wonderful site, ahahaha [15 june]
supersonic goes berserk in flash [14] ·
I've always had a thing with fruitlabels - you know, those little stickers
on your apples and lemons. This is a pretty geeky yet tight designed
- explore and feast your eyes. [june
12ish] ·
jan's got a nice lil site
[june10] · Tiger Lillies is a mad trip - buy their music for the sake of music [june 6] · I've found myself a new favorite site. Check CLASSIC SPORTS LOGOS for a grand tour of US sports logos back in time [june 5] ·
R O D E O 2 7 launches
IIII. Theme is 'the little things'.
It's very nice so tell your friends [even a little
duudle there] AHHHHH - back from a nice lil' holiday...hello again...[june 3]
· jules put a lot of supernice picts of our baby at her site - see her, the duudlita... · miss
micropohl sent me this little squirrel
that started eating my keyboardbuttons instantly [may
23] · you
know when you see a great cover and you think - fuck it, I have no idea
who those guys are but the cover is great?
· LEFThandSIDE are so nice and clever - pay them a visit [may 21] · rained last night so I took the old Adele albums out of the closet - Tardi - you blow me away...[21] · so fuzzy · [20 may] · duudle IS a great fan of posturepatrol - just got me little dirty fingers on their Pretty Mags - a congratsgift from Chris - because of miss duudle's arrival - T H A N X - and oh Lorre! (peter) - it's a treat...write them and order your very own copies - now. [19 may] · big
toe · [19 may] · NOTCRUMB - passed me a yummie banner. Enjoy the rest of my fellow duudlians [16 may] · Dave - in his 212F home has put so much great stuff on his site that I'll spend the day under my blanket...He REALLY is a fellow duudlian + a very nice man [15 may] Lemonjelly
is great music in our wee baby's ears...she's asleep on my chest - one
hand on her - the other on the keyb. LJ on the stereo...she makes quirky
noices and smiles in her sleep...[15,
may] *
our little girl was born
*** DUDDLE is on leave - I've become a father ··· and it's a miracle of a girl *** ·
[may 1st]
TORSTEN - one of my absolute favorite duudlers sent me this grand banner. See the rest of my fellow duudlians [29 apr] · a new edition of MINIMALPORTAL [29 apr] · a favorite mad band of mine · DEADBOLT · (beware of them nasty insane clowns) [29 apr] ·
french poem [28 apr] ·
[26 apr] · bearskinrug · ahh, nothing like a well nursed sketchbook -[25 apr] :: D U S S O :: [25 apr] · matatorrecords - home of Jon Spencer Blues Explosion and other aaaa mmmm bands [24 apr] · S P A C 3 · [23 apr] ·
apr] · tape is nice [21 apr] ·
haven't met YOSHITOMO NARA?! · HEHE - happy tree friends [20 apr] · may I present, MR BINGO - the name alone is a wonder...doodles, doodles and more doodles - a kindred spirit, a brother in arms - crazy about his lines [19 apr] · thierry a.k.a. notcrumb a.k.a. georgedoubleubush - sent duudle a great doodle - see it [16 apr] · gary
baseman is...erm [15 apr]
Jacques Rock Star in ·
[apr 10] - ahh
- new tosca - Dehli9 - ------- -Art
in the TOON
youre into seasonings Roger
Leloup - Yoko
Tsuno [apr 3] Kaori Ukaji , graphite madness -*- Soe
Slaughter Surrender !"# philfrost-whats
the price on that one ? · d. hodgson aka madreal · wow! [apr 2] · palle nielsen, a giant in Danish graphics, sadly died recently - haven't seen his work - do a google - here's an example - the man is a genious [apr 2] · I'm a lucky duudle - so many of my favorite duudlers made a grand banner for 'fellow duudlians'; 212F, jon, monamour, laszlo, extra oomph [apr 1st] · c e p o p h a n · yummie [apr 1st] · I dunno what I was thinking - it's heavy as arial sharon - but I did a cover for 2pt [31 mar] ·
t3 [31 mar] · the amazing and noizy norwegan hybrid band kaizers orchestra [30 mar] · mmm microbians - I recommend the electronic sketchbook [29 mar] ·
erm...[28 mar] · not only do you find the the tightest, nicest, hardest fonts at fountain - you also find a great website - enjoy [27 mar] ·
stickers at
[26 mar] · ange taggart supplied me with this link to one element of the stop shopping campaign - re-code [23 mar] · laszlo kovacs' site is up [22 mar] ···················· breathe in ······················· ·
the nightmare continues. Heard a retired colonel on the radio last night
angrily attacking a journalist who said he'd always seek the truth and
not the military's objectives. The armyman claimed that this was the
exact same thing as saying you were pro-Saddam.
sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh · tim marrs is still one great pen [19 mar] · labyrinthe · itinerranceman Boris' personal thingy - hehe, very understated [18 mar] · duudlehit 11 at pigsell - see projects / illustration / digital pingpong [17 mar] "This
song is not an anti-American or pro-Saddam Hussein statement. This is
a statement against an unjustified war." · in a world gone mad - beastie boys made a song about the whole iraq-situation. visit their site, download it for free and then get back in the streets - protest, show that you care [15 mar] ·
interesting navigation
[14 mar] three
nice bandsites from Ninjatunes; · hehe, very interesting music - and a nice little site by boogie from dead by design [12 mar] · 3 strong duudles in duudlians duudles by seg - evergrey [11 mar] ·
see anne's great drawings and stuff at new minimalportal
[11 mar] · new duudle in duudlians duudles by jon burgerman - 'bat-boy' [10 mar] · jorge alderete updates [10 mar] · monday bonus link; oscar's sketchbook will make your eyes water [10 mar] ·
n3xt goodies
[9 mar] ·
lorenz is a good friend and superbly skilled
with the 1's and 0's
[7 mar] · this is xtremely fascinating - evergray · see duudlians' duudles too -[5 mar] · oooooompphhhh xtra [5 mar] · richard may knocked me down - I'm still struggeling to get up [5 mar] · once again, Jon doodles galore!!! It really is a biro-party [4 mar] ·
our world our say
[4 mar] · madness up again - the 'up for sale'-issue at rodeo27 - there's also a little duudle [2 mar] --- relax, it's weekend --- ·
stencil revolution
[28 feb] · a good friend and a superb designer launches his delicious portfolio - visit Torsten's site [27 feb] · ahh, new hit from pigsell - see projects/illustration/ digital ping pong [25 feb] ·
neate - true street artist [25 feb] · I don't know what's going on here but the photos are nice and Holga de Kiss is a bloody brilliant name [22 feb] · yes, she knows what time it is - and tells us - go visit my dad's stripclub [21 feb] ·
duudle at doodleoftheday
[21 feb] · serious risk of drowning in good stuff here - wooster collective - street art galore [18 feb] · boogie's picts of something very important [17 feb[ ·
animated nicenesss
[17 feb] · Jon gives us a helping Valentines Day hand - generally, keep an eye on Jon's thingys - much going on there - all great [12 feb] ·
ralph!!!!!!!!!!! [11 feb] · I
still find
this funny [9 feb] · prepare to be ripped violently out of your seat · tune into web's finest funk-rap radio WE FUNK RADIO [7 feb] · casarramona · ahh, silkscreenposters and other goodies from Zürich - can't beat it · [6 feb] · [6 feb] · duudle, inkforest and semiotaku did a wall at minimalportal - go see and contribute [4 feb] · fascinating
· [3 feb] · watch out for this guy roaming the streets of Copenhagen - streeatartist par excellence - Husk Mit Navn · [30 jan] ·
walkerbushspam [27 jan] ·
mexer hits back [20 jan] · 20 xmasdinners later he awoke from his constipation, scraped off the salmon hanging from his beard, treated a mighty hangover and started communicating with the galaxy again · ·
minimalportal! [6 jan] ··· have a great 03 ··· · Julie made a niiice xmascover for zilo ··· let's take it easy. Enjoy eachother and switch off the computer for at least a week. Merry xmas and all that··· ·
babey · [21 dec] ···
messy duudle photos [sune] at Boris' itinerrance···
[14 dec] ··· it cannot be said too many times - this man knows what he is doing · chris cunningham ··· [6 december] ·
workspace curiosity · [5 dec] ··· Although this is a messy product, it still has James Brown, G. Oldman and M. Manson in it · beat the devil ··· [27 nov] ·
insanity is well · [26 nov] ····· phone a friend ······ ·
more beast · [19 nov] ··· It really makes me happy..diversity, initiative, have a look see and be part of itinerrance ··· [13 nov] ·
feel for foto · [13 nov] ····· talk to someone nice ······ ·
Mr scruff · [7 nov] ···
Eike and Martin again coming up with refreshing and yummie stuffing
- enjoy and participate in Chinese
Whisper ··· [1
nov] ···
ok, ok, it's corny, but hey, John Woo still throws a pretty good actionpackage.
See the Hostage
··· [28
oct] ··· this is what a website should be, personal and honest - nevermind the glitter, here's Mayumi ··· [23 oct] ·
pinupmaster · [23 oct] ····· Mikl is drowning himself in Swizz chocolates, alps, clocks and interesting links... [19 oct] ·
Terry · [18 oct] ····· open a window - a real one ······ ·
trans · [6 oct] ················ stop a little ················· ·
artcoupboogie · [oct 1st] ···················· breathe in ······················· ·
Icelandish delight · [25 sept] ························
drink ························ |